Saturday, August 10, 2019

Evaluation and Control on Network Acquisition Essay

Evaluation and Control on Network Acquisition - Essay Example process, the results of which are brought together into a status report, forwarded to the authorities responsible for the cost, budget, and schedule of the project. Risk mitigation strategies are used to analyze and report unplanned changes. Without effective risk mitigation strategies, a project will collapse or will lead to unexpected results because of the unanticipated changes (Royer, 2001, p.77; Adam, 2007, p.140). To handle change control issues, I plan to rank risks according to priority. Each risk should be ranked according to significance and likelihood (Dorian, 2011, par.3). I plan to take into consideration these common mitigation strategies: avoidance, acceptance, transference, and control. I would apply effective controls over risks if they are worth taking and are a part of my core project. To handle change control issues, I will measure the impact of the change in terms of my project’s cost, resources and schedule. I will accept or reject the change after reviewing what will happen if I do not allow the change to occur. I will document the change and will update the project plan

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