Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Managing across border

How does culture affect the figure out of attribution in converse? Can you relate this to some experiences you contrive had with your classmates? When the message reaches the receiver, it undergoes a break which is influenced by the receivers culture. What is stereotyping? break out some examples. How might populate stereotype you? Stereotyping top when a person assumes that every member of a society or subculture has the common characteristics. Take I-JK is an example. Vietnamese frequently do nails Chinese often open restaurant Indian often are doctor Asiatic often know martial art What is the relationship between spoken language and culture?How is it that people from different countries who speak the same language may still miscommunicate? Language conveys culture, technologies and priorities. Language is inseparable from culture language cannot be interpreted without an understanding of culture. Within a given language assort are many sub-cultures that have their own interpretations of certain words or phrases, or who may have their own idioms or regional expressions Give some examples of cultural differences in the interpretation of body language. What is the role of such nonverbal conversation in business relationships?Americans look straight at you when communicating, whereas the British keep your attention by looking away. Arabs choose to shade and stand very close when communicating. Koreans speak more loudly to express a point Americans speak loudly when they are angry. Improper non-verbal communicating can add a significant level of noise to the communication process. The listener may attribute meaning to the noise that might victimize the business relationship. Explain the difference between monochronic and polychromic time systems. enforce some examples to illustrate the differences and the role of time in intercultural communication.Monochronic time systems have a linear system of time with a past, present and future. populate i n monochronic systems generally concentrate on one thing at a time. Polychronic time systems are a non-linear system of time where people tolerate the simultaneous occurrence of many events. Explain the differences between high- and low-context cultures, tolerant some examples. What are the differential effects on the communication process? In high- context cultures, the context in which the communication takes place is indispensable to the communication of the messagethe message is implicit.In low-context cultures, the ontext in which the communication takes place is standby to the communication the message is explicit. Discuss the role of information systems in a company, how and why they vary from country to country, and the effects of these variations. Communication in organizations varies fit to where and now intormation originates and the channels and speed at which information flows internally and externally. iodin example of how cultures vary is on the importance of the source of information. Some cultures prefer important information to originate only from the top of the hierarchy.

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